Masuk Daftar

harta tak gerak bahasa Inggris

  • harta:    riches; treasure; lettuce; kale; moolah; place;
  • tak:    like a hole in one’s head; no; non; na; like a
  • gerak:    motion; propel; displace; gesture; go; prompt;
  • harta tak bergerak:    realty; land; property; real property; real state; real estate; estate in land
  • harta tak bertuan:    treasure with ownerless
  • harta tak berwujud:    intangible assets
  • gerak tak beraturan:    irregular motion
  • harta:    riches; treasure; lettuce; kale; moolah; place; pelf; boodle; immovable; real property; loot; holding; property; wealthiness; possessions; estate; wealth; bread; sugar; possession; dough; cabbage; s
  • gerak:    motion; propel; displace; gesture; go; prompt; movement; agitate; move; actuate; incite; be active; act; locomote; push; stir; shift; budge; travel; motivate; run; motility; force
  • harta (majalah):    harta (magazine)
  • harta akanan:    accrued assets
  • harta bawaan:    bowry protion; marriage protion; dowry
  • harta beku:    frozen asset
  • harta benda:    asset; good and chattel; wealth; possessions; good; land; inheritance; belongings; property; heirloom; holding; possession; riches
  • harta berakumulasi:    accrued asset